
31. January in 1. February 2025 

University of Primorska  

Faculty of mathematics, natural sciences and information technologies


The symposium will be organized as a part of the project E-NAT2CARE (Develop cross-border management for safeguard and restoration of Natura 2000 sites in the MAB area of the Julian Alps and Karst)

Project summary

The common challenge of PA is to protect and actively conserve of the high level and widespread biodiversity that extends from the Alps to the sea through the Karst region. The E-NAT2CARE project pursues the objectives of implementation, transfer, and communication in order to use the results of the NAT2CARE project. The general objective of the project is to support the protection and development of biodiversity in PA through the implementation of 2 pilot actions at cross-border level to monitor species defined as “bio-indicators”: Rosalia alpina and Strix uralensis in the protected areas UNESCO MAB of the Julian Alps and the Slovenian Karst (pilot area the MAB of Škocjan caves), Trieste and Gorizia.